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Welcome to the TestKitLabs U.S.A Blog. — syphilis

As we see from government data on syphilis rates in America are still soaring.   Unfortunately many individuals show no symptoms at all of STD infections and therefore are more likely to go on and infect others. John Hopkins offers a perspective on what might be behind the recent surge in STD infections across America.,a%20rising%20share%20of%20cases. So what to do to stay safe from STIs if you are sexually active? -Avoid unprotected sex, always use barrier protection such as condoms -Avoid any sex with anyone with an unknown partner history where possible. Many STDs have a window period where...

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According to the CDC From 2018 to 2022, reported cases of Syphilis rose 80% in the U.S This alarming trend is continuing and more testing is required by the at-risk population. If you have had unprotected sex and/or are showing any of the common symptoms its important to get tested and to avoid all sexual contact until diagnosed and treated. STD Rapid Test kits allow for affordable, fast and private testing. Testing for Syphilis is easier than ever so if in doubt, get tested!    

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Syphilis infections are rising

What is Syphilis?

Syphilis is a  serious bacterial infection passed through contact with an infected individual. Treponema pallidum is the bacteria that cause syphilis.

Syphilis infections are rising

condoms rapid test kits safe sex Sexual Transmitted Diseases STD testing syphilis

The U.S is going through decade of increased syphilis infection rates. What is Syphilis? Syphilis is a  serious bacterial infection passed through contact with an infected individual. Treponema pallidum is the bacteria that cause syphilis. Often spread through sexual contact it can also be spread from surface to person, i.e. from a toilet seat recently used by an infected individual. A syphilis infection is a serious health risk and can cause harm to unborn children and can be a life threating illness in adults if left untreated, What are the signs/symptoms of Syphilis? Do I have Syphilis? Syphilis develops in 3 stages. The 1st...

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