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Why STD rapid test Kits are such an important tool in sexual health for Americans.

Infection rates in U.S.A rapid test kits STD testing syphilis

As we see from government data on syphilis rates in America are still soaring.


Unfortunately many individuals show no symptoms at all of STD infections and therefore are more likely to go on and infect others.

John Hopkins offers a perspective on what might be behind the recent surge in STD infections across America.,a%20rising%20share%20of%20cases.

So what to do to stay safe from STIs if you are sexually active?

-Avoid unprotected sex, always use barrier protection such as condoms

-Avoid any sex with anyone with an unknown partner history where possible. Many STDs have a window period where no symptoms will be present, potentially the infection still won’t be detected using an STD rapid test kit or any laboratory test as the individual has not produced antibodies which are commonly used for detection.

-If you have any unprotected sex or sex with a new partner who cant be guaranteed as no-risk then you need to test for STDs at a clinic or using a rapid test kit.

-Be sure you understand the detection window for the STDs/STIs you are concerned about

-Do not engage in sexual activities until you are certain you are not infected. While waiting for the detection/infection window period be sure to not put others at risk.

-Please remember "Sexual Health Matters!". STDs are very common and if left undetected cause considerable health issues. Stay safe, stay healthy!



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