Sexual Health Multi-Test Pack (Chlamydia/ Gonorrhea/ Syphilis/ Hepatitis B)
Risk of Infection = High | Risk to Health = High
Instant Result Rapid Test Kit for Common STDs. Results in <10 minutes.
Our STD multi-test pack includes the latest self-testing technology home use rapid test kits for testing the common STDs currently infecting Americans. After any unprotected sexual contact which can include body fluid contact even if using a condom, it is advisable to test for these common sexual infections. Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis and Hepatitis B are all easily detected using STD test kits and rapid treatment can avoid serious health issues.
Each multi-test pack contains 4 rapid STD test kits which give results within minutes. No lab work required.

- Male and Female suitable
- Instant Results
- No Lab Required
- Highly Accurate
- Fast/Tracked Shipping
Chlamydia Rapid Test Kit
Risk of Infection = High | Risk to Health = High
Home Use Instant Result Rapid Test Kit for Chlamydia. Results in <10 minutes..
Chlamydia infection is the most commonly reported sexual infection (STD) in the United States. It is caused by exposure to the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. It is easily transmitted and can still be transmitted during protected sex due to contact with the infected party through other sexual acts. Many individuals who have an STD such as Chlamydia will experience pain when urinating or a painful discharge. However many do not recognize this and many infected individuals experience no symptoms at all and simply carry and transmit the infection to others. Its stealth infection rate within the United States is the cause of the sharp rise in new cases. Our home Chlamydia STD test kit detects Chlamydia infections. Chlamydia can be easily treated with antibiotics once detected. If left untreated Chlamydia can go on to cause serious health issues including permanent damage to the reproductive system. If in doubt, test now for Chlamydia with an STD home test kit.
Rapid test kits are designed as a primary screening solution for common STIs and all results should be discussed with your health professional.

- Male and Female suitable
- Instant Results
- No Lab Required
- Highly Accurate
- Fast/Tracked Shipping
Syphilis Rapid Test Kit
Risk of Infection = High | Risk to Health = High
Instant Result Rapid Test Kit for Syphilis. Results in <10 minutes.
Syphilis is caused by the spirochete bacterium. Symptoms of this STD develop in distinct stages starting with skin ulcers then progressing to a wider rash and then finally onto more serious health impacts including damage to organs. Syphilis is easily detected using STD rapid test kits which test individuals at home using a small blood sample. No lab work is required and results are within minutes displayed in the device. Syphilis is an extremely common STD and it is estimated that more than 90% of detected cases are within the developing world. Test now using a rapid STD test kit.
Rapid test kits are designed as a primary screening solution for common STIs and all results should be discussed with your health professional.

- Male and Female suitable
- Instant Results
- No Lab Required
- Highly Accurate
- Fast/Tracked Shipping
Gonorrhea Rapid Test Kit
Risk of Infection = High | Risk to Health = High
Instant Result Rapid Test Kit for Gonorrhea. Results in <10 minutes.
Gonorrhoea is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STDs) in the United States. It is caused by an infection of the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Typically men will experience a burning sensation when urinating and women may show no symptoms at all or some may have a noticeable vaginal discharge. It can be easily detected using our STD home test kits. results in minutes with no lab work required. Gonorrhoea if left undetected and untreated can go on to cause pelvic pain and damage to joints and heart valves. Easily detected using STD home rapid test kits that give results within minutes. It is then easily treated using antibiotics. If you have been at risk then test now with a rapid test kit.
Rapid test kits are designed as a primary screening solution for common STIs and all results should be discussed with your health professional.

- Male and Female suitable
- Instant Results
- No Lab Required
- Highly Accurate
- Fast/Tracked Shipping
Herpes-2 Rapid Test Kit
Risk of Infection = High | Risk to Health = High
– Reliable Results in less than 15 mins
– Tested in clinical trials
– Certifications: TÜV ISO 13485 (ISO’s International Medical Devices Standard) & GMP
– Easy to Use
– Total Privacy
This is an antibody test which tests for the presence of anti-HSV-2 IgG antibodies produced by the human body in response to the Herpes-2 virus.
The test is safe: the substances contained in the test device are non-infectious.
Rapid test kits are designed as a primary screening solution for common STIs and all results should be discussed with your health professional.

- Male and Female suitable
- Instant Results
- No Lab Required
- Highly Accurate
- Fast/Tracked Shipping
Hepatitis B Rapid Test Kit
Risk of Infection = High | Risk to Health = High
Instant Result Rapid Test Kit for Hepatitis B. Results in <10 minutes.
Hepatitis B is a virus that attacks the liver. The Hepatitis B virus (HBV) can be transmitted through body fluids, typically from sexual intercourse (SD) or infected blood from needle sharing. Symptoms are typical of liver infections and include dark urine and jaundice (yellow skin and eyes). Fatigue is another common symptom of chronic infections. Long term risks include Cirrhosis and liver cancer. Up to 25% of those who develop chronic Hepatitis B may go on to a life-threatening condition. It is estimated that worldwide up to 350 million may be chronically infected with the Hepatitis B virus. Hep B testing is done via a small fluid sample using an STD rapid test kit and results are within minutes. Test Now!
Rapid test kits are designed as a primary screening solution for common STIs and all results should be discussed with your health professional.

- Male and Female suitable
- Instant Results
- No Lab Required
- Highly Accurate
- Fast/Tracked Shipping